Methods of Treating Hyperhydrodis
The excessive sweating is a very embarrassing problem which can cause many people to sweat very profusely. The excessive sweating can be caused by high temperatures or when you exercise and get involved in vigorous physical activities. Sweating can also occur due to some other triggers. The triggers can cause one to sweat profusely on the hands, feet, underarms and this can happen many times a day.
Different people will have different reactions to the sweat triggers, and so the severity od sweating will differ from one person to the other. The excessive sweating is referred to as the hyperhidrosis. When you realize you have this problem you have to seek help. When the body is faced with danger the vegetative nervous system prepares the body for reactions when you are faced with danger. It regulates the sweat production and the two functions are related in one way or another. The the body can react differently to the different situation. When you have a sweating problem it is advised that you keep a record so that you can see if it forms a certain pattern. This means that your body is having reactions to certain situations which might include stress, particular type of food or an awkward, difficult situation and therefore you sweat.
This means that the excessive sweating might be caused by a certain reaction by your body and to very specific situations. When you keep a good record you will notice there is a pattern of when you sweat. Some people are affected by hyperhidrosis while they sleep which is unfortunate because when you are sleeping you have no control over the subconscious thought process. This is a sympathetic nervous system reaction to the situations which are imagined can cause sweating. We have the genetic hyperhidrosis as one of the two types of sweating disorder. For the secondary hyperhidrosis the best cause of action is to treat the trigger conditions although many people don’t take this condition seriously and about 40% of the people suffering ever seeks for the medical help.
One of the treatments is to use the aluminum chloride, which helps in blocking the sweat glands. It is very effective, and with time you might not need to use it.
Another type of treatment is using the aluminum chloride based products to manage the excessive sweating. One can also use the oral medications to control the excess sweating.
The other method used is the iontophoresis which is a process where electrical charge is usually used to treat the sweaty hands and also the feet. Severe cases can be treated through this process.
Use the Botulinum process is used to treat the underarm sweating. This method is approved. The other method that can be used is surgery, although it the riskiest and expensive to use. It can cause complications after the surgery and other parts of your body.
Cited reference: official statement
A 10-Point Plan for Options (Without Being Overwhelmed)
July 14, 2017
Health Care & Medical
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aniqe kusumawati
The excessive sweating is a very embarrassing problem which can cause many people to sweat very profusely. The excessive sweating can be caused by high temperatures or when you exercise and get involved in vigorous physical activities. Sweating can also occur due to some other triggers. The triggers can cause one to sweat profusely on the hands, feet, underarms and this can happen many times a day.
Different people will have different reactions to the sweat triggers, and so the severity od sweating will differ from one person to the other. The excessive sweating is referred to as the hyperhidrosis. When you realize you have this problem you have to seek help. When the body is faced with danger the vegetative nervous system prepares the body for reactions when you are faced with danger. It regulates the sweat production and the two functions are related in one way or another. The the body can react differently to the different situation. When you have a sweating problem it is advised that you keep a record so that you can see if it forms a certain pattern. This means that your body is having reactions to certain situations which might include stress, particular type of food or an awkward, difficult situation and therefore you sweat.
This means that the excessive sweating might be caused by a certain reaction by your body and to very specific situations. When you keep a good record you will notice there is a pattern of when you sweat. Some people are affected by hyperhidrosis while they sleep which is unfortunate because when you are sleeping you have no control over the subconscious thought process. This is a sympathetic nervous system reaction to the situations which are imagined can cause sweating. We have the genetic hyperhidrosis as one of the two types of sweating disorder. For the secondary hyperhidrosis the best cause of action is to treat the trigger conditions although many people don’t take this condition seriously and about 40% of the people suffering ever seeks for the medical help.
One of the treatments is to use the aluminum chloride, which helps in blocking the sweat glands. It is very effective, and with time you might not need to use it.
Another type of treatment is using the aluminum chloride based products to manage the excessive sweating. One can also use the oral medications to control the excess sweating.
The other method used is the iontophoresis which is a process where electrical charge is usually used to treat the sweaty hands and also the feet. Severe cases can be treated through this process.
Use the Botulinum process is used to treat the underarm sweating. This method is approved. The other method that can be used is surgery, although it the riskiest and expensive to use. It can cause complications after the surgery and other parts of your body.
Cited reference: official statement